How Often You Need to Feed Your Dog

How Often You Need to Feed Your Dog

First-time dog owners face a challenging task when they bring their new furry companion home and the experienced ones face the same confusion when they get different breeds. They all wonder when and how many times a dog should eat. Just like with humans, proper nutrition is important for dogs because it affects their health, weight, and risk of bone-related diseases. That’s why you need to be careful when it comes to their eating habits. We figured that it is not easy to determine the rules on your own, so we will give you a few tips that can aid you in taking care of your furry friend.

Know Your Dog’s Needs

Before deciding the frequency by which the dog should eat, you need to understand their needs first. You should know the amount of food they need per day, which will depend on their age, among other factors. For instance, puppies need more portions because they are still growing and need good nutrition. The older your dog gets, the less food they will need.

Veterinarians recommend feeding them two or more times a day. The schedule, however, will depend on your working hours and availability. If you are busy, you can feed them twice daily; once in the morning, and another time at night. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t just offer food that you think is the best for them, you should pay attention to your dog’s preferences as well. For instance, some dogs like to eat small portions scattered throughout the day while others prefer one big meal.

Breeds Play a Role

Breeds are crucial in determining the amount and frequency of the meals. There is specific food for every breed and size. Some people think that it is a myth or made for marketing purposes, but this cannot be further away from the truth because some breeds need lower calorie intake than others to steer clear from obesity.

Moreover, some large breed dogs require more calories than small and medium-sized ones. You can read more here to figure out the kinds of food each breed needs. Fortunately, some dog food is made for multiple breeds in case you have multiple dogs at home. You need to read the label and pay attention to the ingredients so you would know what your dog is ingesting.

Feeding Methods

Various methods have been tried by dog owners and breeders, but at the end of the day, it all depends on your puppy’s personality, health condition, and body weight.

Free Choice

Leaving food lying around for your dog so they can eat whenever they want is called the free feeding method. If you are adopting this method, you should make sure your pup knows when to eat and when to stop. Nursing mothers should be fed that way because they need all the food they can get to produce milk for their puppies. Your dog’s health should also be taken into consideration because if they suffer from diabetes, this method can be a total disaster. Moreover, make sure to not let them eat before or after exercising because this may cause bloating.

Control the Portions

Some dogs have no self-control whatsoever, so you need to set a schedule for them to follow. The portions should be measured according to their weight. After knowing the recommended amount of food, divide it into two meals. However, if your dog demands to be fed more, add an extra meal without increasing the portions.

Timing Method

Sometimes, a dog overeats without a valid reason. That’s when you need to time their meals. For example, leave the plate in front of them for thirty to forty-five minutes, then dispose of the rest when the time passes. Do that with every meal because sometimes your dog is not really hungry, they are just searching for love or affection, which you can give to them in other healthier ways.


Have you ever seen a dog that doesn’t like treats? That’s not possible because they seek validation even more than us. You can give them the kind they prefer after they successfully follow your command. Consider the calories in the treats when you portion the meals, and make sure that they make up 10-15% of the daily caloric intake at most.


You need to understand your dog’s needs and eating habits before deciding when and what to feed them. You should know that dogs are just like babies, which means that you need to pay attention to what they put in their mouths, even after they grow up. While the above tips will put you on the right track and help you create a balanced meal plan for your little furry companion, you should ask your vet for further advice if your dog suffers from any conditions.

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